Flowing from the above charter of beliefs, Christ Chapel has a clear vision which is summed up in this single statement:

Christ Chapel have always been known as a place of strong corporate worship because we understand that our first command from God is to love Him with our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37). Ministry to the Lord comes before ministry to the people. The “first love” is for Jesus.
We believe that Praise is a calling given to every believer. “these people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise”. (Isaiah 43:21). The choir (that we called Levites), music teams and our worship services provides avenues to lead us into Praise and Worship, both as a body and individually.
It is our believe in Christ Chapel that. It is up to the Church to pray God’s will into the earth because Jesus says: “I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven”. (Matthew 16:18-19). Jesus has given us the authority to release His will on earth through prayer.
We as believers – the Church – are to stop the works of the devil through prayer. We have Intercessory Prayer Team, Prayer Seminars and All-Night prayer vigils to release the power of prayer in our lives and around us.

The Church is a community of Believers, we therefore believe that as a Church, we are a FAMILY, loving together and caring for each other. We are a body with many members (1 Corinthians 12:12). Every member of the Church needs the other members because God uses each of us to supply something to someone else. The fist believers in Acts shared their possessions with one another, ate prayed and worshipped God together.
Foundational to all that is done in Christ Chapel, is the WORD of God which is preached in its simplicity an accuracy because we believed if “a life” is touched other “lives” will be affected and “generations” will be transformed. Christ Chapel has “COACHED” many leaders in Churches and organisations around the world because of the prophetic and life-changing messages that brings out the potentials in people.
We believe that Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers are given by God for training and equipping believers to do the works of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).
As a Church, we’re always nurturing believers until they grow into full maturity because we believe that the Word of God builds and equips us, God’s Children, to be and to do what He desires for us. The Discipleship Classes, Seminars, Leadership Training Programmes, Audio Teaching Materials, Books and Radio/TV broadcasts provides training grounds for believers to be better equipped to do what God has called them to them.