Tues 20th – Sun 25th October 2020

Nike Wilheims

Apostle ‘Nike Wilheims is the pioneering Pastor and Apostolic leader of The TOPIC (Temple of Praise International Church) in Beltsville, Maryland, USA. Since being ordained a pastor on May 19, 1990, Apostle ‘Nike has served in various capacities in church ministry.

She attended Grace Bible School in Tulsa, Oklahoma under the tutelage of Pastor Bob Yandian and Reverend Geof Jackson. Apostle ‘Nike is the founder of Yeshua Prayer Academy, a school designed to replicate the grace and anointing that God has given her to develop prayer addicts globally.

She is a minister of reconciliation whose evangelistic ministry has generated a tremendous impact for more than 30 years by bringing deliverance and healing to many in North America and in nations in Europe, Asia and Africa.

A gift to the body of Christ as a prophet and intercessor, she prays fervently with apostolic authority, boldness and great confidence in the Almighty God, and continues to declare the mind of GOD through the expression of the Holy Scriptures.

Apostle ‘Nike is God’s battle axe, an enforcer of His Word and Will, and part of the remnant being greatly used by the Almighty God in His Kingdom and in the local church.

Apostle ‘Nike oversees several branches of Temple of Praise International Churches in the Philippines and in Sierra Leone.
She is the author of Prayer Keys: Prayers That Will Unlock Your Godly Destiny and The Joseph Generation.

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